WordPress Services

Let’s build the site you’ve been dreaming up.
WordPress development

Full WordPress Sites Builds

Formosa Web will work with you from concept to site launch to get your new WordPress site out in the world and turning heads.

We’ll walk you through the whole process, answer your questions, and take care of pretty much everything so you can sit back and relax.

Fix an Existing Site

Did something break? Do you need to add a page, a section, a plugin? Formosa Web will take your current site and get it all fixed up, looking new and performing better than ever.

WordPress maintenance
Site Maintenance & Upkeep

Site Maintenance & Upkeep

Once a site is built it still needs regular upkeep– frequent updates, backups, and content additions are all part of making sure everything continues running smoothly (and safely!), but this takes time and know-how.

Let Formosa Web take care of it for you, and rest assured that your site is in excellent hands.

Full List of Services

We offer a range of web services that will get your site up & running and way ahead of the competition. From concept to site launch and everything in between, we’ve got a WordPress solution for you.

Formosa Web builds fast, easy-to-use, SEO outfitted web sites that look great across all platforms. Whether you need something fixed or a whole new site, we can help.
We offer services to keep your site fully updated, secure, backed-up, and making sure everything continues running smoothly so you don’t have anything to worry about!
We work with WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce, and more! We can get your store up and running or help with any maintenance issues you may have.
We can fully customize an existing theme or build you something new. Everything we make is responsive and optimized for the best possible site experience.
Plugin giving you trouble? We can troubleshoot, customize, and update plugins. If there’s not an existing plugin that does what you need then we’ll build one for you.
Do you have Google Analytics, a Facebook Pixel, or other marketing code that needs to be implemented on your site but not sure how to proceed? We’ve got you covered!
When you need to move your WordPress site to a new host let Formosa Web take away the stress and confusion and get it done for you. No more hosting-woes & headaches!
If you’re in need of a new design then we’ll work with you to create one that fully represents you and your brand, grabs attention, and looks beautiful, too.
We’ll get your social media integrated into your site, create regular posts, and even engage with your followers so you can connect with and grow your audience.
No matter what aspect you need customized on your WordPress site, Formosa Web can handle it. From functionality to design, we’ll build it the way you want it.
If you have a PSD (photoshop file) of the website you want and need someone to build it, contact Formosa Web today and we’ll build it to your design down to the last pixel.

If your current site isn’t on WordPress & you need it recreated let us handle it for you. Moving to WordPress makes sense– there’s a reason 75 million websites run on WordPress!

AI Consulting

Implement AI automations into your company’s workflow. We offer consulting services to help businesses uncover opportunities to use AI to enhance productivity and optimize processes, along with the necessary training and resources to make it happen.

Contact Us! It will only take a minute.

We’d love to talk to you about your project, whether you need a whole new site, something fixed or customized, or someone to maintain your site on an ongoing basis. 

We’re easy to talk to and we love project planning– so let’s get started today!